Building Resilience in Sri Lanka

The WFP R5n project in Sri Lanka has been instrumental in empowering farmers like Werasekara by bolstering their resilience to climate-related challenges, fostering sustainable livelihoods, enhancing nutrition, and ensuring food security.


Manaragela, Sri Lanka


World Food Programme



The WFP R5n project in Sri Lanka has been instrumental in empowering farmers like Werasekara by bolstering their resilience to climate-related challenges, fostering sustainable livelihoods, enhancing nutrition, and ensuring food security.

Through this initiative, smallholder farmers such as Werasekara receive support in the form of water-harvesting and storage facilities like agro-wells, training on improved agricultural techniques, and encouragement to diversify income streams.

Werasekara and fellow beneficiaries are equipped with the knowledge and resources to cultivate high-value, nutritious crops, access reliable water sources through agro-wells, and receive guidance on effective maintenance and cultivation practices.

These interventions have enabled Werasekara to expand cultivation areas, boost household income, repay debts, and transition to commercial farming, leading to improved nutrition outcomes for their families. By focusing on capacity building, innovative technologies, and fostering South-South cooperation, the project aims to uplift farmers like Werasekara out of poverty, enhance their resilience, and improve their overall well-being.


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